Thursday, January 8, 2009

status updates on the 'book.

here are my requests:

  • no more than 1 update per 12 hour period.
  • no smiley faces. or frowney faces. or tongue sticking out (~) faces. ever.
  • no one needs to know when: you are doing laundry and it sucks (we know it sucks.), someone hurts your feelings or you hate life (we don't care.), you had a great/amazing/terrible/boring/crappy day, night or afternoon (can i throw you a pity party? no, i cannot.), you are going to the gym, lunch with the girls, shopping at the mall, showering before meeting the girls out for dinner and drinks and having an all-around fabulous day. (just say you'll be busy all day, and keep us guessing.)
  • no more posts about Obama, McCain or the's over. We will soon have a new President, and everyone knows. And if they don't know this, they probably wouldn't be on facebook anyways.
  • oh, and status updating anytime after 2:30 a.m. is just as bad as drunk dialing and/or drunk texting. you'll totally regret it in the morning and wake up saying, "why in the hell did i put that last night? did i put that last night? has my account been hacked? oh, i really hope no one has read that yet. MUST. DELETE. NOW."

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