Friday, February 20, 2009

Spring Break 2k6 Reunion in 2k9

The Girls, Key West Sunset, Spring Break 2006

In just a few short hours I will be reunited with the ladies of Key West Spring Break 2K6. We all live in Greenville, with the exception of J.Jones-who lives an hour away and Britt who lives in D.C. This momentous occasion has been on our calendars for quite some time now, as we have been anticipating reliving our college days through a mini-weekend getaway to par-tay on down for BRITTANY'S BACHELORETTE BASH! You think you have fun? You have NO idea. The weekend hasn't even started, and I've spent the last hour combing through everyone's FB albums to find the perfect pic for this post, and already laughed till my tummy ached. Now, if only we can find a catamaran, cab drivers like Gadget, paint-on bikinis and boys who adore us in the Queen City. I'm sure we'll have no problems...

Yours Truly, Duval Street, Keepin' it sassy AND classy with Marlboro Lights and Vodka Waters
this really makes me miss college.

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