Tuesday, March 24, 2009

" i just searched "MoMo" hahaha. I forget you use your real name on Fb. LOVE sharing our birthday with you. It just keeps getting better. "

-wall post from Miss KC aka "Clubbage"

i wonder if i have any missed connections due to people searching my nickname versus my real name. probably. speaking of, i totally friend requested this guy i knew in college who continually drunk dials me...3 years after the fact. guess what? he denied me.


you still drunk dial me, but we can't be friends on facebook? even more so, i can see denying an ex-gf, your mom's best friend, a crazy cousin, the one girl in your pledge class who never let you live down that keg stand because it was against sorrority policy, but seriously...me?!? i was totally doing you a favor, buddy. anyone in their 20's with less than 500 friends should be damned from the facebook world. you only have 94. where have you been for the past 5 years? clearly, not working on your friend list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this reminded me of the story about going to the bar and being accused of wearing a snuggie. apparently in San Fran its all the rage :)

happy birthday.
