Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh, happy day!

Today is the start of the astrological calendar and the Aries Equinox as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries. If you feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon that you wanted to be on in 2009 (eg: you’ve broken your New Year’s Resolutions, for example, or just strayed off the path you set for yourself this year) it’s an ideal time to get back on. And even if you haven’t done that, it’s still a very powerful time to set your intentions for the rest of the year. Intention-setting is more powerful than you might think. There’s a reason why big businesses get their staff to do it. Because it actually works! As the Sun squares Pluto as soon as it moves into Aries, this is also an excellent time to detox at least one thing from your life – a bad habit, a negative thought pattern or just something you imbibe which you know does you more harm than good. {via:}

it's my birthday weekend and i can have a do over? check and check, yo.

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