Friday, April 3, 2009

Bun in the Oven

"Little one is good! Just making me [insert bodily function here] a lot...other than that--all good! HA! I am excited too! I am so glad to have all my girls ride this train with me. Don't even talk about the bars this summer...I am missing it already. Just think of me in my flowered moo-moo eating Ben and Jerry's as you are chasing shots with boys and vice versa! I'll be back folks...don't you worry!"

-an e-mail from one of my dearest and nearest who is expecting

the hometown bar scene will not be the same without you. hope the hubby won't mind when we show up at your door with the party. and furthermore, Summer 2010 will be awesome. let's start planning now.

p.s. i can't wait to chase shots with boys AND chase boys with shots.

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