Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Last night I went shopping with my Momma and this is one of many hilarious conversations that took place:

Mom: (while I'm admiring an ENORMOUS pair of peacock feather earrings.) I like them, I don't looove them. I'm just worried they're a little TOO big.
Me: (as I model them for her.) Are you sure? Do you think they'll match the dress?...I think they're too much.
Mom: (while holding up a pair of angel wings.) What about these? A little smaller, but still funky.
Me: YES! I love them, half-heartedly. I think they're more appropriate. These are the ones.

10 minutes the same store.

Me: (modeling the peacock earrings for the 10th time) Are you sure these are too big? There's just something about them that I loooooove. They're big and bold...and so me.
Mom: If you love them, we'll get them. No one would expect anything less from you and your style.
Me: You are right, my dear.
Mom: Aren't you all about GO BIG OR GO HOME?
Me: Yes ma'am.

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