Wednesday, April 8, 2009

reasons why today is not the best day ever:

  • woke up to find out my iPod was out of commission. yes, i tapped, pushed and beat every button, plugged and unplugged from the charger, moved the HOLD thing-a-majigy back and forth 80 times (yes, i thought this might help.), finally gave up and shoved it into my purse while calling Apple every name in the book. Then I proceeded to go back to my bag every 10-15 minutes to check and see, if by some random chance, it was working again. it wasn't.
  • went to City Hall to re-new the Business License. WOMEN AT CITY HALL ARE UNUSUALLY RUDE AND WILL NEVER SMILE AT YOU. So don't even try...I got stared at and glared at...and not even a wave or have a nice day or THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. nope. nada.
  • went to UPS to mail a package to Canada. i was astonished to find out i needed the following: 7 copies of the invoice and almost 7 different documents just to get the item in the box. Then we have to pay, confirm shipment, confirm delivery..and what else? Confirm that the WOMAN AT THE UPS STORE ALSO MUST HATE THEIR LIFE AND JOB. She yelled at me like I was 5 years old, told me I needed to come back when I had everything in order, and rolled her eyes when I told her I could just fill out all the information right there and now. I felt like she wanted to throw me in a box, fill the box with peanuts and drop kick me out the door. She has NO idea what I wanted to do to her.

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