Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sweet dreams?

last night i encountered the most vivid dreams. i woke up and immediately began writing. some parts are blurred and some parts don't quite go together but here's what i can remember:

  • riding in a car with a random girl, we were both in the passenger seat, i was steering and she was working the pedals. we were driving quite recklessly, with no end in sight. just miles and miles of curvy roads while going (what seemed like) 100+ mph.
  • quick stop at Belk ( a department store in Hometown) to join the rest of my wedding party, where i was getting hitched to a guy I see at the gym and have had very little contact with. i ended up getting nervous/scared/anxious and ran get back in the car, but this time alone.
  • i started driving again, only this time i was in the drivers seat but couldn't find the pedals or my seatbelt..and the car was moving. really really fast.
  • Ended up somewhere between Greenville and Charlotte and realized I was lost. Jumped out to get directions at a truck stop, and found my entire wedding party sans groom..waiting for me.
  • Got directions and a bag of pot(???) from a guy I went to HS with, jumped back in the car with JeBeth....and then my alarm went off.

so...weirdest dream ever...right? wow. over many many cups of coffee this am with Mom here is what we've concluded:

  • Dreaming that you are driving signifies your life's journey and your path in life. Basically, this is explaning how I am moving and navigating through life. Not being able to see the road ahead, indicates that I do not know where I'm headed and what I want do with myself. Direction? nope. Goals? nope. The curvy road signifies that I'm having difficuties achieving goals and the changes that come with it.
  • Seeing a wedding in your dream signifies a new beginning or transition in your life. However, they also signify a high level of anxiety or fear.

basically, my life is in shambles and it's time to get this shit together. pronto. nonetheless, it's not SO bad. atleast i can assume good things are coming my way.

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