Wednesday, May 13, 2009

afternoon e-mail chain between the w's:

BB: Are balloons too much?

JA: I hired a clown--too much?

Me: I hired a striper...JA should we coordinate times?

LC: Only if you make sure the DJ I hired is worked into that schedule. He wasn't cheap.

JA: Or we could coordinate them and have a stripping clown-can you say NIGHTMARES?

LC: Ahhhh-SO scary! I hate clowns, but who knows...maybe they aren't as scary naked... Am I a clown whore?

JA: I just had to get up, leave my cube and walk into the break room because I couldn't stop laughing..and since there is absolutely NOTHING funny about auditing EVERYONE knows I'm not working...oops!

....i will end it here due to young followers and immature followers.

waiiiiit a minute..we're supposed to actually work at work?!? that's news to me...

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